Jair Gabriel's Blog > Jair Gabriel's pointillism is the subject of an exhibition at CMEI Pirajá

Jair Gabriel's pointillism is the subject of an exhibition at CMEI Pirajá

By Ermanna Cavazzoli in 8 de December de 2017

The Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education (Cmei) Pirajá held on December 5 the exhibition “The arts enchant: The pointillism of Jair Gabriel”, with an exhibition of works of reinterpretation of the artist's works executed by the students. Born in Porto Velho, the artist Jair Gabriel is a master in the art of pointillism - painting technique characterized by the use of dots in the formation of the image.

 The students at Cmei Pirajá had contact with the works and techniques of the painter, who has lived in Bahia for almost 30 years and whose work is recognized in Brazil and abroad, through an arts project developed throughout the second half of this year. The event represented the culmination of this work and had the participation of the management team, teachers, students, employees, parents and guardians. And also with the presence of Mestre Jair Gabriel and the curator of the artist Ermanna Cavazzoli.

 The artist was surprised by the event: the organization and the work developed. “This work that you have been doing, the encouragement given to the children, who made such a beautiful presentation, so beautiful of my work, is exciting. I think you are doing a very cool job, which should be recognized not only here at school but also outside school. Congratulations to you, ”said Jair Gabriel.

 Cmei's manager, Patrícia Albuquerque Lemos, detailed the project developed and the culmination through the exhibition for the Smed website. Check out:

 1.   Qual foi o objetivo do projeto de artes desenvolvido nesse semestre?

Com esse trabalho buscamos explorar com as crianças, através da linguagem das artes plásticas, uma nova perspectiva e possibilidade de criação, descoberta e releitura das obras do artista plástico Jair Gabriel, com base em vivências, reflexões e intervenções orientadas.

 2.   Como foi a Exposição?

O evento foi um sucesso para toda comunidade escolar. Um momento muito especial foi a chegada do artista e sua curadora Ermanna Cavazzoli no “Corredor das Artes” (espaço intitulado para a exposição).

The honoree and his curator circulated the exhibition, moved by the greatness of the readings made by the children, who were wearing dotted aprons.

The artist talked to the public about his trajectory in the Amazon and his coming to Bahia, where he became the Master of Pointillism through the influence of the plastic artist Edson da Luz. he thanked the presence of the artist and the school community, as well as the commitment of the students and parents who were present.

 3. Which works were the basis for the reinterpretations

Dancing, Snails, Country Girls, Birds of the Dawn, Butterfly Charm, Caminho Real, Shoal and The Butterflies.

 4. Tell us a little about the project that culminated with the event.

This project intended to systematically aggregate the knowledge of these languages ​​through art, generating significant contexts of teaching and learning that respect the way of perceiving, feeling and thinking of babies and children.

Currently, early childhood education resizes concepts, approaches and modes of action under the influence of new research and pedagogical theories. Thus, work with artistic and cultural languages ​​has advanced over the years, through exploration, research and creation, through the integration of the subjective and the objective, the subject and the object, by elaborating hypotheses and comparing possibilities, by expanding resources, respecting previous experiences, maturity, student culture, interests and internal and external motivation.

 5. What did the children and parents think?

The children said they were very excited to meet the artist. During the project, they actively participated, watched videos about his life and started to recognize his works. The parents were attentive to the artist's speech during the event, and were delighted with the re-reading works carried out by their children. They photographed the exhibition, took pictures with the artist and were very interested in him and his work.

Source: http://educacao.salvador.ba.gov.br

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